¶ Anti-Xeno Wiki
By the Anti-Xeno Initiative
Welcome to the Anti-Xeno Initiative Wiki. The primary repository for the Anti-Xeno Initiative, here you will find tutorials, guides and detailed breakdowns of Thargoid Combat and Thargoids in Elite: Dangerous.
The Anti-Xeno Wiki is a collection of articles and guides written by the experience Pilots and Mentors of the Anti-Xeno Initiative Community, you can join the community for any further questions or assistance from the many talented and friendly commanders.
Want to contribute? if you know a thing or two about AX combat you can help edit the wiki. Log in with your Discord account and contact a staff of the AXI discord server to get the editor role.
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¶ Credits
A big thanks to our content and development team! ❤️
¶ Translators
- CMDR alterNERDtive
- CMDR Trex63
- CMDR Xarionn
- CMDR St4n2012
- CMDR Trebiscotti
- CMDR AlexMG1
- CMDR Domtron
- CMDR Grincake
- CMDR Batro
- CDMR Blaston
- CMDR Aileen Leith
- CMDR Westboyrke
- CMDR Habba-nero
- CMDR Talixe
- CMDR Jugom
- CMDR Nauva
- CMDR panther_neo
- CMDR SGUDestiny
- CMDR Archiebeales
- CMDR Konstantine Novakov
- CMDR Eckee
¶ Content Creators
- CMDR Aranionros Stormrage
- CMDR Mechan
- CMDR Aterius
- CMDR Avasa Siuu
- CMDR Maligno
¶ Developers
- CMDR Mgram
- CMDR Sanctified (Willhof)