Thargoids are an elusive bunch but there are certain tricks and hotspots that can help you find what you are looking for. The most consistent means is to find Thargoids in Non-Human Signal Sources (NHSS) in either the Pleiades Region, Coalsack Nebula or the Witch Head Nebula. They are not reliable spawns inside of the war systems, you can also find Thargoids at a few static locations across human space.
Thargoids can be found in various locations, such as:
¶ Current Active Regions for NHSSes (and suggested systems)
Take note - hyperdictions will happen in and around these regions, although they will not be hostile unless you’re carrying Thargoid cargo.
- Has stations if you don’t have a Fleet Carrier and are close to the Bubble, and Sterope II is a recommended Hydra hunting ground
- ~175ly around Merope
- Pleiades Sector MI-S B4-0: Historically known as The Zoo, this was known for being the only system to spawn solo, no-scout Hydras in both “guaranteed” (triple icon / debris field) and non-guaranteed (single icon / green cloud) instances; it is still a recommended Hydra hunting ground but not the only place that Hydras can be found.
- We recommend: Asterope, Merope, Sterope II
- No station in-system or nearby, but contains high spawn density of higher-threat NHSSes if you have a Fleet Carrier to operate out of, and also has material traders within approximately ~30 LY’s
- ~60ly around Musca Dark Region PJ-P B6-1
- We recommend: Musca Dark Region HM-V c2-17
- ~100ly around HIP 18390
- Only known locations of of AX Conflict Zones (see below)
- ~75ly around Witch Head Sector IR-W C1-9
The only currently-known (as of February 2025) active AX Conflicts Zones are in the California Nebula.
California Sectors:
- BA-A e6 - 1x High, 1x Medium AXCZ near body 4, both functional
- Medium CZ is 450km altitude within orbital cruise.
- HR-W d1-28 - 2x High, 1x Medium AXCZ near body 3 (~260Ls from star)
- Medium CZ and one high CZ were on same side of planet at time of recon - Those two worked (scenario popup & thargs/AX pilots spawn)
- The Second high CZ @ ~1.38Mm altitude on Opposite side was nonfunctional, no scenario, no spawns.
- JH-V c2-12 - 1x Medium AXCZ near body 6 (~45Ls), functional.
We recommend the BA-A e6 High CZ or the JH-V c2-12 Medium CZ.
Note: This map is from before the Coalsack CG and Salvation CG which caused Coalsack NHSS to appear and the Pleiades region to expand, respectively.

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