This page contains the history and details behind the Ace Score Calculator, for future CMDRs to access for reference.
Ever since the introduction of Discord server ranks, the AXI has considered the idea of recognizing our very best CMDRs with a rank that was “competitive” in nature, that is, it could be earned but it could also be lost as new CMDRs achieved higher levels of skill.
The introduction of the Vanguard scoring system laid the groundwork of the “old Ace” system, with a leaderboard which recognized CMDRs who accomplished the most stunning multigoid kills, and further so with less-than-optimal ships to boot.
As the overall combat skill of CMDRs grew, and as the knowledge of ships and AX combat progressed, eventually the Ace board became something that strictly required a hyperdiction instance to even attempt - and, namely, a one-in-thousands-of-jumps occurrance, which further carried a risk of “failing” as CMDRs has a small window to summon additional cyclopes and engage all goids before they left.
The relaxation of the “megaships rules” helped little in that the creation of these instances still required 2 CMDRs a significant amount of time (hours) to do, and the fight itself was typically also several hours long. Couple with the grind for mats involved (for ammo and MAs for interdictions in particular), it is no surprise that the Ace rank broadly fell out of favor, and that new submissions were rare and far between.
An Ace rank overhaul thus became a priority.
In setting the principles for the creation of the new Ace rank, we aspired to:
For the purpose of consistency and to meet the principles above, the Medusa was chosen as the goid-of-reference for the new Ace rank. (A Hydra would have made for a much longer and much grindier fight, and a Basilisk -or Clops- would have run into speedrunning balancing issues.)
The new Ace rank sets three “reference fights” solo Medusa fight thresholds:
Do note, that scoring higher than the threshold is technically impossible for Ammo Efficiency and Damage Taken, and practically impossible for Time Taken
Starting from a perfect-threshold fight, points are subtracted for how “far off” a CMDR was on each dimension, using a complex set of formulas designed by CMDR Orodruin as follows:
// Calculations
// I have no idea what this is; Orodruin says "p0 is related to the score of the "good" run" :)
let p0 = Math.tan((1/10-0.5)*Math.PI);
// Time taken parameters
let t0_1 = 2.75 // 2 minutes and 45 seconds - thought to be the upper limit of a medium-ship perfect time
let t0_2 = 18 // 18 minutes - thought to be a good time for a damage-less run
let t0_3 = 30; // 30 minutes; is conventionally "new serpent's nemesis level"
let dt = 100; // Shape of the curve, as determined by Orodruin
let timeTakenPenalty = 0;
timeTakenPenalty = 200 * (0.5 + (1/Math.PI)*Math.atan(p0*((args.time_in_seconds/60 + dt)/(t0_2+dt))*((t0_3-args.time_in_seconds/60)/(t0_3-t0_2))*((t0_2-t0_1)/(args.time_in_seconds/60-t0_1))));
// Hull lost parameter
let h0_1 = 0 // No hull lost; perfect "100% club" run
let h0_2 = 0.1 // 10% hull lost; is conventially "good run"
let h0_3 = 1.25 // 125% total hull lost; is conventionally "new serpent's nemesis level"
let dh = 5; // Shape of the curve, as determined by Orodruin
let damageTakenPenalty = 0;
damageTakenPenalty = 200 * (0.5 + (1/Math.PI)*Math.atan(p0*((args.percenthulllost/100 + dh)/(h0_2+dh))*((h0_3-args.percenthulllost/100)/(h0_3-h0_2))*((h0_2-h0_1)/(args.percenthulllost/100-h0_1))));
// Ammo efficiency parameters
let a0_1 = 1 // This is 100% ammo efficiency
let a0_2 = 1 / (143 / 175) // 82% is Astrae's level ... 175 is Astrae limit
let a0_3 = 1 / 0.35 // 35% is conventionally "new serpent's nemesis level"
let da = 2; // Shape of the curve, as determined by Orodruin
let ammoEffPenalty = 0;
ammoEffPenalty = 200 * (0.5 + (1/Math.PI)*Math.atan(p0*((shot_damage_fired/damage_threshold + da)/(a0_2+da))*((a0_3-shot_damage_fired/damage_threshold)/(a0_3-a0_2))*((a0_2-a0_1)/(shot_damage_fired/damage_threshold-a0_1))));
// Calculate the final score
let finalScore = targetRun - (1/3)*(timeTakenPenalty + ammoEffPenalty + damageTakenPenalty)
Note the ammo efficiency calculations are based on damage vs individual rounds to allow for mixed gauss usage. The source-data spreadsheet is available here: The specific math is quite complicated - please contact CMDR Orodruin if you have questions as to the specific logic behind them.
The following rules apply to the fight:
For clarity, the following are explicitly ALLOWED:
Given the principles we followed, we are well aware that the new Ace scoring systems comes with specific limitations; in particular:
Both limitations are known and are by design. We will be evolving the multigoid leaderboards and launching an associated rank to address multi-goid CMDR concers.
We are ok limiting, by design, this rank to a solo fight. It’s intended to test a CMDR’s skill under controlled conditions, while minimizing grind.
In the future we may consider expanding the core idea of this rank to other ships but, at launch, the focus will be the Chieftain.
The new system will go live on 12:01am UTC on Monday, October 4, 2021.
Submissions for the new Ace rank will start being accepted a week before then - starting from 12:01am UTC on Monday, September 27, 2021.
To provide everyone with a fresh challenge, only new fight submissions with ships which include the tag “GTM” (short for “Glory, To Mankind!” in case you’re wondering) will be accepted.
Once you’ve completed a Medusa solo fight you are happy with, please use the /ace command in Discord with the optional “submit” parameter set to TRUE, and add also the optional “video link” parameter with a link to the fight.
So long as your ships includes a “GTM” tag in its name, and the fight meets the other criteria listed herein, it will be accepted even if the fight is performed before the role officially launches.
Submissions will begin to be processed on Monday, September 27, 2021, so please don’t submit fights before then (or, at the very least, don’t expect a response before then.)
You are, however, welcome to score your fights (set submit=false) before then using the /ace
You can submit as many fights as you like, over any period of time. Do note that, however, only your “personal best” will remain on the board, and any lower-score fights will be overwritten once you submit a higher personal best.
You cannot submit a fight with a score LOWER than your current personal best - the submission bot will reject your entry automatically. So don’t worry about accidentally erasing your best run!
A staff member will review your submission and will either approve or reject it for addition to the leaderboard. Also, if your submission is among the Top 10, you’ll get the shiny new Ace rank!
If there is any problem with the submission, a staff member will let you know and will try their best to remedy it so that it can be adjusted and/or resubmitted correctly.
Based on how the scoring system works, a tie is effectively impossible. Should an apparent tie appear, the detailed score will be analyzed to check which CMDR holds the best score, beyond 2 significant digits.
CMDRs holding the top 10 spots on the Ace board will lose the rank on 12:01am UTC on Monday, October 4, 2021. These CMDRs will be memorialized in the Hall of Fame and celebrated for their accomplishments. The legacy board will remain accessible to view - but no more entries will be processed from thereon out.
Furthermore, ALL CMDRs holding a spot (even below 10) on the Ace board will be granted the “Old Guard” rank - similar to what was done when the old Collector rank was retired.
The -mechallenge (and known as “quadchallenge” or “mechan challenge”) is a strict interpretation of a fight that meets the criteria for ALL of Vanguard, Myrmidon, 100% Club, and Astrae’s Clarity.
Consequently, the -mechallenge has different (generally stricter, but with more accessible thresholds) rules than Ace, specifically:
In practice, even a theoretically perfect Ace run would not meet the criteria of the -mechallenge (as it would not comply with Vanguard.) They are, effectively, different challenges meant to test slightly different skills (-mechallenge is, in practice, small-ship Dusa mastery; Ace is the ultimate hypermeta Chieftain mastery challenge.)
As of September 10, 2021, no one CMDR has ever been successful at the -mechallenge (which is exceptionally hard but achievable), nor has anyone achieved a perfect Ace score (which is, by design, humanly unachievable).